Band and Dance Registration
Please fill out THIS FORM if you are a current band/dance student at Skyview High School. Communications come directly through the band and dance boosters. We would like for you to know all of the upcoming events.
Fill this out with a Parent and a Student together. This is a Parent and Student survey that needs to be completed together and will take you about 15 minutes to complete.
Fall & Winter Activity Fees
When paying online, SVBD is charged a 2.9% fee. Please add 2.9% to your payment. (For example: $275 fee + 2.9% = $283 payment.) Click the links below to pay fees.
To avoid paying the online payment fee, send a check to PMB 314, 800 NE Tenney Rd #110, Vancouver, WA 98685. Make the check payable to "SVBD", and remember to write your student's name somewhere on the check.. Your student can also drop this check in the secure mailbox by the Band Director's office.
Online: $283.00
Check: $275.00
Online: $51.25
Check: $50.00
For registration assistance, contact:
For CutTime or GroupMe assistance, contact: