Marching Band

Skyview's Marching Band is the only competition marching band in Clark County. This is the largest "sports team" in the school. Every member is equally important and everyone has a place and a purpose. Marching band is the perfect way to acclimate in our large school! Throughout our band camp our members make new friends, bond, and take care of each other in times of need. We take care of each other in our Skyview Band and Dance family. Your student will have a group of friends and a support system established before school even starts!
Band and Dance is for EVERYBODY! We have a grant program that allows us to scholarship and sponsor students in financial need. There will never be a neglected student. We will work with every family to make it happen.
For more information visit the links below or email the Band Director, Tim Heichelheim (
Marching Band Checklist: Make sure you have all required materials for band camp and all rehearsals.
Pre-Rehearsal: Arrive 10-15 minutes early and check the white board in the band room or dance room to see the daily schedule and rehearsal locations.
Post-Rehearsal: Students are expected to stay after and help put all equipment away. No one should be going home if there are still props and percussion instruments to be put away. Rehearsal will end at the designated time (example: 8pm) but it may take 15-30 minutes to have everything put away and the band and dance rooms cleaned and organized. It is also very normal for a short debrief meeting with the students prior to dismissal (similar to a sports team huddle).
For Parents: A good rule of thumb would be to drop your child off 15 minutes prior to rehearsal start time and arrive at the school 15 minutes after rehearsal end time. Although, parents are welcome and encouraged to watch rehearsal especially the last 15 minutes, when we do our final run-throughs. Marching Band is one of the only ensembles you get to watch the progress from the beginning to end. For Concert Band and Jazz Band you are only able to see the final product. You can view the campus map showing the main locations we use: Skyview Marching Band Rehearsal Spaces.